Monday, February 4, 2013

love is the key

There are things that are difficult to understand, how do i put this clearly. I am working very hard to get where i am. and it is hard. one thing that does concern me is my bad habits i have. like shopping. don't get me wrong i love to shop. but there are times i have to keep telling myself no, because i can't really afford it. I should work on my needs, and not my wants. that is the first step i need to take. i do make acceptanace, just not all the time. i always take care of my important things. and then maybe a want. someday i would love to have a house, but i know that i can not afford it. even when i get married i don't care where i live, just as long as i am with my husband. even if we were living in austraila. but that wouldn't matter. because we are together. that is the point in a relationship. love is the key. and to happiness. just love me for me, i love you for you. when i am not with you, i think about you. and i cry too. i love you baby. you are everything i am looking for. i never stop loving you. you are in my heart, and my soul mate... i love you sexy....